Well its been 6 months since my surgery. The first month was physically and psychologically the toughest. While my Ironteammates were competing at Vineman, I was on crutches and looking out the window envious of the joggers going by.
The next couple months was about learning to walk again. Finally getting the go ahead to start jogging in October and "walk-jog" the Nike Women's Marathon in SF which was one of my proudest accomplishments.
November brought on a new season of the Ironteam. It was exciting to meet my old teammates who were now mentors and to meet the "newbies". November brought another medical adventure when I had to help a runner who had collapsed and cracked his skull at mile 24 of the RnR San Antonio marathon.
I caught a cold and spent the first couple weeks of December recuperating, but I did sneak in a trip to Vegas for the RnR Las Vegas Half Marathon. Finally the last couple weeks, I have been concentrating on biking and running faster, as well as spending more time at the gym with strengthening my hamstrings and working on pylometrics. I have been neglecting my swim sessions, but I plan to renew my emphasis on the swim now that 2010 is here. I'm glad I have 8 more months of Ironteam training to get ready for Ironman Louisville.
In 2009, while training with Team in Training for the Full Vineman Triathlon, I was injured in a ski accident. I had ACL reconstruction in 7/09. After rehab, I trained for 10 months and became an Ironman at IM Louisville on August 29, 2010. Today I am a 15x Ironman. I have qualified to participate in Ironman Kona on October 8, 2016 through the Ironman Legacy Program. Follow my adventure as I join Ironteam and raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society on my Road to Kona!
Thanks for your posting! I had ACL hamstring recon 8 weeks ago. The ACL surgery was one year after I finished Ironman Florida - talk about a difference of physical fitness!! I hope to do another Ironman in 2011. Keep up the training and enjoy the journey to race day -- it is the best part! 2 time IronMom of three